OOAK handsculpted doll, She wears vintage brocade and velvet, decorated with vintage trims and ribbons. Her face is handpainted with acrilics and watercolors

Dollmaking,figurative Art, paper dolls in every media, paper sculptures, ephemeral art, mixer media artistic elaborations, drawings, photography,sketches,and...an italian Lab of artistic ideas www.collectiblepaperdolls.com
О! Какой изумительный образ!
She's wonderful!!!
Hi Stef your doll is absolutely wonderful.
I could swear I have seen this lady before... in real life, watering the flowers on her husband's grave on our village graveyard!
Amazing work - Tim Burton would be proud to know you!
wow! awesome work!
it is stunning!!!!!!
Bellissima! Lascia senza parole per quanto è perfetta!
She's wonderful.
è bellissima;)
This is AMAZING... so much work...
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